High level cycling is all about the management
of a tiny bit of anaerobic energy

We present you 3 components that will make you a smarter, better and faster rider.


1. All there is to know about Anaerobic Cycling: Critical Power, Aerobic-Anaerobic energy systems, Acute Exhaustion and recovery and Typhoon, a program for the detailed anaerobic analysis of your recorded power files.

2. SuperCycle, the worlds first and only app for android and iPhone that allows you to monitor live

the state of the anaerobic reserve during your ride.

3. An e-book that explains the full implications of new training methods.

Critical Power Modeling

The main goal of this website is to help you to be a manager of your anaerobic energy during and after your bicycle rides. Whether you are a leisure rider or a real pro, you need this to ride with best result for the least effort.

First we need to understand the basics of the Critical Power model and of the use of aerobic and anaerobic energy.

Next we need some way of measuring and visualizing our state of anerobic reserve. This can be done live on-bike or after the ride by analyzing registered power files.

Exhaustion / Recuperation

Anaerobic exhaustion is a state whereby the athlete has  totally spent all of his  of anaerobic capacity,  or whereby lactic glycolysis has spent all available glycogen.
There may be a great number of reasons for global fatigue but anaerobic exhaustion is the only one that appears on a relatively short time, and from which an athlete can recover in short time, say a few minutes.

Let us use the notation W’ for the total amount or anaerobic capacity, and W'bal  for the actual anaerobic reserve.

In order to understand the dynamics of anaerobic EXREC  - EXhaustion - RECovery we need to answer the questions

1. How fast is our anaerobic reserve depleted upon riding at a certain power.  Otherwise, how much of the total power is anaerobic?

2. When and how fast do we recover W'bal?


The Typhoon application offers an analysis of acute anaerobic Exhaustion and Recovery.


The only application in the world that displays your anaerobic energy stores
“in the action”


As a trainer I have used Typhoon and EXREC for some time with success and because this application is a real game changer in the world of training practice and can have a major impact on the tactics to be applied in the race, Charles and I decided to explain this unique approach in a new e-book.